Cut the crap: Simple areas of focus to improve your dating life
Sometimes, simple, defined guidelines are needed to cut through the overwhelming amount of bad dating advice.
There can be an overwhelming amount of advice out there for frustrated men on how to improve their dating lives.
If you focus on these areas, your dating life WILL improve and advance.
There’s no magic bullet—you have to put in work, experience rejection and some discomfort.
Experience is by far the greatest teacher.
1. Fitness - Everything starts here. Being fit is the great equalizer and will open so many doors. It’s not the answer to everything, especially if you’re lacking social skills, but your level of fitness impacts your initial opportunities, your self-perception and mental health.
2. Self perception - This is where a lot of outwardly attractive men falter. They have a good job, are in shape, but still fundamentally don’t have a positive self identity. There isn’t a simple answer to this. Having a defined purpose, a personal code of conduct, and ability to solve difficult problems and be a leader help in this regard.
3. Style and Grooming- Wear clothes that fit well, have a little flare, and make you feel confident. Maintain your hygiene, hair, and nails.
4. Social skills - Highly attuned social skills are a requirement. You don’t develop and MAINTAIN social skills by reading a book and simply changing your mindset. Social skills are like muscles, they get stronger with consistent use, atrophy of not utilized. You have to put yourself out there, join social groups, utilize dating apps, cold approach, talk with strangers. This can be uncomfortable and open you to rejection, but that’s the price of admission.
5. Maximizing exposure and opportunity- Where a lot of guys fall short is they simply aren’t exposing themselves to situations and opportunities that allow them to meet women. You can be an inherently attractive and not have proper opportunity.
A major thing to understand that dating is largely (but not entirely) a numbers game.
6. Date game/escalation -Fundamentally attractive men can still have difficulty sparking attraction and emotion in women. They don’t utilize subtle touch (kino), flirt and tease properly. This requires a commitment to potentially being disliked and polarizing, but refusing to be
7. Not being needy and emotionally over investing prematurely. This is not discussed enough. Guys who have lots of success dating, hooking up, and attracting women can still simp and over invest when they meet a woman they like. Having a strong self perception, having standards, and not being attached to outcome plays into this.